Thursday, January 16, 2014

23 Mobile Things - thing 1

What a kick to read back over the first 23 things! 

I am really looking forward to the new mobile things.  As a newbie to tablet use, I'm hoping to become better acquainted with my device and to be able to help patrons with theirs.  I want to learn more about what's out there in the app world. 

Thursday, February 12, 2009

More 23 Things

Hooray!! More!!!

I had so much fun and learned so much and have had so many opportunities to share what I learned...I am very excited to continue!!!

Can you tell?!?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Thing 23: Final Thoughts

Library 2.0 was scary for me. But this experience has given me the opportuntiy to explore freely and to try things I would not have found on my own. 23 Things has inspired me to continue exploring, not to get stuck on what I already know how to do.

I really enjoyed creating pages on Flickr and Ning and acutally getting friends! I watched my kids create and develop their sites, but did not think these sites held anything for me...anything that I would find useful. What a surprise! I have used the online image gernerators for library promotional materials and had a great time doing it. I love the RSS feeds and getting my morning dose of online information that I find interesting. It has changed my morning routine. I have had the most fun, though, playing with my blog. Who woulda thunk?

I really enjoy reading other participants blogs and leaving coments. it was great meeting 23 Things folks on Ning and Flickr and some of the other sites. How cool to find 23 Thingers everywhere!

I really hope there will be another 23 Things at some point. I would love to do this again!

It was so much fun to e-explore...a really great e-experience!

Thing 22. What Did I Learn Today

Almost done is an exciting thing, but I don't want it to end. I have enjoyed pushing myself to learn these Things... and, bonus, my kids think I'm cool!

A promise to myself:
I will keep up with the social networking sites I signed on to...Flickr and Ning, especially because on those sites, I found it easier to connect with other people than on some of the other sites I joined. I will go back and explore the challanges that I did not give myself time to do. I will give myself time to learn and see it as a vaulable use of my time. I will learn by podcast and webinar. I will find more on youtube than just things that make me laugh.

I loved this learning experience. I know I will have to continue exploring these Things to maintain what I've learned. The internet grows and canges every minute...I've learned so much...I don't want to lag behind again.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Thing 21. Beyond MySpace: Other Social Networks

I created a NING page and joined te 23 Tings on a Stick group. I found a friend there with whom I had the great good fortune of attending ALA in Washington DC! It was fun to see her page and it felt great to get re-conected. I left a comment for her and we've been commenting back and forth - FUN!!

Ning is fun, but it can be kind of confusing to navigate around. I like things that are "so easy your grandmother can do it"! When I tried to add a widget, it totally screwed up my page. BUT, looking at the beauty of my friend's page makes me want to keep trying.

View my page on 23 Things on a Stick

Thing 20. Libraries and Social Networks

I created a Facebook page. I joined the Librarians and Facebook group. This group has more than 4,700 members. That's a lot of folks. It was fun looking through the Discussion Board and the wall postings. It was fun looking for "friends"to add to my list.

Facebook was easy to use and fun to do. I can see why people like to use this site. Many of our patrons like to visit Facebook and MySpace. It seemed to be a younger-peoples site, but more and more I see more folks my age on Facebook.

Thing 19. Podcasts

I love car talk on PR, so I searched each site for Click and Clack... - came up with what I was looking for...worked well. - could not get it to load :-( -came up with far too many options - must be pretty specific.
Yahoo Podcasts - this seemed like it was all music - I was not interested in paying for a song to see how it worked.
Educational Podcast Directory - of course Click and Clack did not show up here. But, very cool, this has podcasts for younger kids...check out the SG Show under Student & Class Podcasts - elementary grades.

I made a Gcast! It was very easy - the hardest part was deciding what to say. Check it out on the link to the right.