Saturday, March 15, 2008

Thing 10 - WIKIs

Thank you for including the Common Craft video. I knew what Wikis were, but not how to use them.

I edited the 23Things wiki - and added my thoughts to the others : Is there EVER a good time to add an extra 23 Things to your scedule?! I'm having WAY too much fun figuring all this out. The coolest part is sharing the excitement with others. What better way than WIKI? - Having fun in the woods, Becky

I also added two must see movies to the B Movie Page.

Our branch is small enough that we can all have staff meeting together and get business done in less than an hour. I like that face-to-face interaction. BUT, this would be a great way to coordinate having all the branc managers going to PLA from our region. We could have created a list of who will be attending which workshops, contact information, handled questions about rooms, speakers, etc., and arranged our evening plans. All this was/is being done, but by email and phone calls. This feels like it would be a smoother and more time effecient way of doing the same thing. And everyone would be encouraged to participate and do their part and not have it all fall on one person to coordinate with everone and get the information back out. Too late for PLA, but there would be lots of other uses for this. I like the idea of using a Wiki for SRP/SLP! That would help our region coordinate the teen portion. OR for Hot Reads. Or for Story Hour themes - I love this!!

When helping partons with research, we try to give them alternatives to Wikipedia - many teacers are not accepting it or are asking for fact confirmation - which many Wikipedia entries have at the bottom. As in all things, use caution.

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